Have you been affected by the heavy snow in Scotland? It’s been a nightmare. We’ve got 14 vans and serve some of the most remote places of any store in Scotland. There are customers living in bothies at the end of small, single-track roads that have been cut off. We’ve had several vans stranded trying to get through and it’s been very difficult. The last thing we need is for our fleet to get stuck. If they do we send another van to try to help but last night it was so bad we had to have some rescue trucks go out.
Winner: Tesco St Rollox Business Park, Glasgow
Store manager: Billy Gardiner
Opened: 2001
Size: 78,000 sq ft
Market share: 11%
Nearest rivals:
Sainsbury’s - 1.0 miles
Morrisons - 1.2 miles
Asda - 2.7 miles
Waitrose - 3.0 miles
Store data source: Analysis by CACI. Call the market planning group on 020 7602 6000
Aside from the past 24 hours, how has online changed in your time at the store? I’ve been here seven years and it’s just about double the volume it was when I started. The area we serve is getting bigger and bigger and the demographic is changing, with a lot of elderly customers.
Tesco said its large stores did really well over Christmas. How did yours fare? We’ve had positive like-for-like growth for the past three years. Fresh food in particular has been really strong. But we’ve contracted our GM offer by 22,000 sq ft. We’ve sublet the space.
Have there been any other changes? We’ve moved the fresh produce right to the front of the store, which has really made a great difference. We used to have 30,000 sq ft for produce and it’s now only 22,000 but we’re using it in a smarter way so it actually feels bigger.
Has the demographic in your part of Glasgow changed? We used to be a price-sensitive store and now I would say we are mid-market. There have been lots of changes to the housing around us, with high-level flats being replaced with lower level housing. We lost 30,000 potential shoppers but it’s become more of a destination store.
Do you feel the store has a community role? I hear some amazing stories from some of our customers who are refugees. We have a community room many of the different groups use.
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