Kebab shops that rely on post-pub munchies to boost sales could be in for a shock, thanks to a new range of frozen microwave­able kebab-based meals from UKebab.

The company is the recently opened UK arm of six-year-old France Kebab, which specialises in traditional spit-prepared meats in foodservice and for retail, supplying Makro and European cash and carries and frozen food distributors. It is set to launch a five-strong range of individual meals and family or sharing options designed to enable kebab fans to create their own authentic snacks and meals at home.

Rolling out in France next month and available for UK orders shortly thereafter, three 350g products - Mediterranean Kebabs with tagliatelle, chips or rice, all with a special white sauce -are designed for one-person meals, while kebab tortilla and pita bread kits (in 960g and 920g boxes respectively) are designed for sharing.
