New data provided to the DMB by Taylor Nelson Sofres shows sales up 3% by volume and 3% by value in the 12 weeks to March 31. For the 52 weeks to the end of March, total rasher sales were up 0.5% by volume and 11% by value. And the retail market for pre-packed rashers grew 16% to £666.5m in the 52 weeks. But this buoyancy could not prevent the total retail bacon market ­ which includes sales of steaks, joints and chops ­ slipping 8% by volume over the year and rising by just 1% in value terms. The DMB research shows that back rashers continue to outperform other rasher types, with volume up 5% and value up 4% in the first quarter. Sales were up 3% in volume terms during the year to March and ahead by a massive 14% in value. The bulk of Dutch rasher sales are in this sector and the DMB claims the Royal Crest Dutch Bacon brand put in a strong performance during the quarter ­ with shipments up 9.5% year-on-year. UK md Robert Smith said: "The data shows the increased presence of Royal Crest in the retail sector supported by sales and marketing activities including our smash the piggy bank' promotion." The TNSofres research also shows that back rashers now account for nine out of 10 pre-packed rashers sold in the year to March. CA packs continue to enjoy strong growth at the expense of vacuum packs and account for 58% of sales. {{MEAT }}
