
Rayburn Trading has reached a new agreement ot supply fellow Sugro members with a range of non-food items at more competitive prices.

Rayburn, a specialist in the toiletries and household channel, will become the key supplier for personal care, toiletries, household essentials and medicated goods for the network.

Sugro members will be able to benefit from both Rayburn’s extensive own brand and cleaning products from leading global brands.

The company will also offer its expertise and supplier relationships to ensure Sugro members get the best deals.

The development is part of Sugro’s strategy to diversity across channels.

Earlier this year, the group launched brand-new grocery and petfood categories as part of their wider commercial strategy.

“Diversification is one of the key pillars of Sugro Group commercial strategy,” said Sugro head of commercial and marketing Yulia Petitt.

“We are thrilled to be able to expand our diverse group categories portfolio with the introduction of extended range of toiletries, household products, and personal care through recent partnership with Rayburn Trading.”

I have no doubt that the partnership will not only deliver huge benefits to the existing members of the group but will also accelerate new member recruitment even further.”

Russell Goldman, buying director of Rayburn, added: “We are excited to work alongside Sugro, as this partnership enables members to access a comprehensive portfolio of household and toiletry items that meet both retailer and customer demands.”