Revealed: Better advice on specialist pet diets needed
More than a third of owners believe specialist diets for their pets are not taken seriously enough, despite these options gaining ground in the petcare aisles
Poundland buyer: Pet dress-up is hugely popular
Poundland has focused on treats and premium treats to drive market growth, but cute costumes are also performing well, says Charlotte Taylor
Creative challenge: could kitty ice cream really take off?
As the humanisation trend sweeps petcare, we’ve put creative agency Southpaw to the test to find out what the next must-have products could be. Find out what they come up with here…
Revealed: Dogs really are a (Welsh) man’s best friend
Where do Britain’s pets reside? Who has the most dogs, cats and reptiles? We’ve teamed up with Harris Interactive and Statista to find out…
Christmas wish list: five new launches to ask Santa Paws for
Christmas presents a host of opportunities for petcare as owners seek out the perfect gift for their beloved cats and dogs. So, presents will they be buying this year?
Doggy beer: The next big thing or barking mad fad?
Do you feel a pang of guilt when you sit down with a cool pint and your pup’s stuck with a bowl of water? Enter doggy beer…
Muttstard for your hotdog: Sauce tops our global NPD list
We’ve scoured the globe, with the help of Mintel, to find the weirdest and wackiest launches for our furry friends.
Humanisation is ‘directly responsible’ for pet obesity
Man’s best friend relies on his owner to make the best decisions for his health and yet more than a third of the nation’s dogs are overweight, says Butcher’s MD Derek Evans
Infographic: Posh cat food flies as total petcare falls
The petcare market has fallen into decline. So which sectors are suffering the most? And why is luxury catfood defying the market?
Are the mults missing a trick with wild bird seed?
Petcare is filled with products for cats and dogs, so why are retailers reluctant to stock more wild bird seed and feeders in their stores?
10 Things You Need To Know About... Petcare
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10 Things You Need To Know About... Petcare
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