Ice cream top products

This year’s appetite for indulgence has put better-for-you brands in a tricky position

Halo Top has lost its shine. Once the darling of the ice cream world, the better-for-you brand has shed 39.8% of its value in the mults. That’s a loss of £9.3m.

The performance – a stark contrast to the bonanza enjoyed by ice cream overall – was “due to reduced promotions in the past 12 months” says Nielsen senior client analytics executive Holly Lyford.

Nevertheless, the brand’s director Matt Fulbrook believes there’s still room in freezers for reduced-calorie ice cream. “We absolutely see this trend continuing as the focus on health and wellness increases each year,” he says. There’s some suggestion he’s right. Low-cal rival Oppo has seen its lower-cal tubs grow 29.9% in value.

However, that’s largely down to the popularity of their “rich, indulgent flavours” insists Oppo co-founder Charlie Thuillier. “Consumers don’t want function in ice cream. Indulgence and taste are key.”

Those two factors seemed to have worked for Unilever, whose indulgence-led Ben & Jerry’s and Magnum brands together gained an extra £66.8m. That’s a sizeable proportion of the total £161.7m growth across the tubs and handheld markets.

Jennifer Dyne, ice cream brand experience director at Unilever, says “sales in the convenience and independent channels flourished as people enjoyed ice cream while on staycations”. Plus, the ice cream category benefited from stockpiling, the closure of out-of-home, and warm weather.

In this environment, multipack stick formats have done especially well. The top 10 handheld brands are worth £73.3m more than last year. Four of them are made by Froneri. “With the increase in home snacking occasions, handheld formats have been suited to the change in situation,” says its customer marketing controller Henry Craven.

For him, this year’s appetite for indulgence has put better-for-you brands in a tricky position. “We’ve seen the healthy ice cream sector falling back ,” Craven says.

Nevertheless, Halo Top shouldn’t be written off just yet, believes Nielsen’s Lyford. “Halo Top could make a comeback with the correct promo strategy and by tapping into continued health trends.”


Top Products 2020

Top 10 Handheld Ice Cream
        £m £ change %
Total volume change: 9.8%   Total Category: 718.9 115.4 19.1
      Total Own Label: 163.0 12.5 8.3
This year’s rank Last year’s rank Brand Manufacturer £m change (£m) change (%)
1 1 Magnum Unilever 207.4 38.4 22.7
2 2 Rowntree’s Froneri 43.7 11.1 33.9
3 3 Cornetto Unilever 29.9 6.0 25.0
4 4 Twister Unilever 22.7 4.0 21.2
5 5 Cadbury Flake 99 Froneri 20.3 1.7 9.1
6 6 Calippo Unilever 19.5 3.3 20.4
7 7 Solero Unilever 17.4 3.7 26.7
8 9 Mars Mars 15.4 2.4 18.5
9 8 Fab Froneri 14.6 1.2 9.1
10 10 Cadbury Dairy Milk Froneri 14.0 1.6 12.6
Top 10 Ice Cream Tubs
        £m £ change %
Total volume change: 6.9%   Total Category: 495.2 46.3 10.3
      Total Own Label: 119.9 6.2 5.5
This year’s rank Last year’s rank Brand Manufacturer £m change (£m) change (%)
1 1 Ben & Jerry’s Unilever 126.6 28.1 28.5
2 2 Häagen-Dazs General Mills 56.2 4.6 8.9
3 3 Carte D’Or Unilever 38.9 3.9 11.0
4 4 Kelly’s of Cornwall Froneri 24.3 –2.3 –8.7
5 7 Mackie’s Mackie’s of Scotland 15.4 2.8 22.0
6 6 Wall’s Unilever 15.2 1.5 10.6
7 5 Halo Top Eden Creamery 14.0 –9.3 –39.8
8 11 Jude’s Jude’s 7.5 3.2 76.2
9 10 Swedish Glace Unilever 7.4 1.1 16.7
10 9 Magnum Unilever 7.2 0.3 4.4



The Grocer’s Top Launch

oppo delivered

Oppo Delivered, Oppo

There’s been some eye-catching ice cream innovation this year. Magnum Ruby, Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Chunks and Froneri plant-based brand Røar are among NPD worth a mention. Our top launch, however, isn’t a product. It’s a direct-to-consumer service. Launched in April, Oppo Delivered enables consumers to get 475ml tubs and three-packs of sticks delivered to their door, with 10% of profits donated to NHS Charities Together. Talk about a launch for our times.

Top Products Survey 2020: How Food Came Home