Sirs, Critics may say our standards are ‘no more than basic legal minimum’ (see ‘Animal welfare groups blast Red Tractor’) but a study published by Defra last year shows that legal compliance on certified farms is significantly better.
While everyone else applies foresight, the recent CIWF ‘OneKind’ review of certification schemes looks backwards. Its ideal standard, against which it measures the schemes, is predicated on extensification - the very opposite of the sustainable intensification last year’s Foresight report called for.
No scheme, not even the RSPCA’s Freedom Food, which deals with the reality of modern indoor production, has any hope of getting a good rating in the CIWF report. The fact that not even the best organic scheme meets its ‘Gold Standard’ is further evidence of aspirations out of touch with market realities. The report is biased, poorly researched and in many places the ‘facts’ reported about the Red Tractor scheme are just plain wrong.
Red Tractor Assurance and its members are committed to delivering affordable quality food to the consumer and remain proud of what we do.
David Clarke, CEO, Red Tractor Assurance
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