Weetabix's Alpen Groove Bars shared fourth place last weekend in the combined top five chart for cereals and cereal/health bars with 5% of activity. The only other cereal bar on featured space offer last weekend was ­McVitie's Go Ahead! Yoghurt Break. Focusing just on the cereal/health bar sub-category, in 2007 a total of 10 brands used secondary featured space, so the figures here relate to the top 10. Maintaining its lead but with a 20-base-point drop from its 2006 position, Kellogg's takes 45% with offers including Special K and Nutri Grain Cereal Bars. In second place with 12% is Quaker's Harvest Chewee and Quaker Oat Bars, gaining two base points from the same position in 2006. Weetabix stays in third place just 1% behind Quaker with 11% of activity on its Alpen Groove Bars. Fourth place McVitie's has gained five base points on its 2006 figure, with 10% of 2007 offers. McVitie's Go Ahead! Yoghurt Break bars have been featured in Tesco and Sainsbury's ­using x for y and save mechanics. Fifth place in 2007 changes hands with Fruit Bowl taking 7% of activity. Fox's Low Fat Cereal Bars were in fifth place last year but do not feature so far this year. Also new to the chart is Traidcraft Geobar in sixth place with 6% of promotional featured space for the cereal/health bar sub-category. You Are What You Eat was in sixth place last year with a 3% share. Nestlé takes seventh place with 3% in year-to-date figures, moving up from its 10th place position last year, when the brand accounted for only 1% of activity in this sub-category. Heinz Toddler Cereal Bars and Nature Valley Granola Bars share eighth place with a 2% share of space each. 2006 saw Mars and Jordans in the same position; again neither brand is currently featured in the cereals/health bar chart for 2007. Tenth place this year is taken by Carman's Fine Foods Original Muesli Breakfast Bars with promotional ­activity captured in Sainsbury's.