The Euros and Wimbledon may be over, but sports fans won’t suffer withdrawal too long. The Olympics – a bigger, broader event – starts next week!

Coca-Cola has cannily drawn on the Olympic spirit for its global ad. You may not have heard of its sporting star – South African swimmer Tatjana Schoenmaker – but if you have it’s just as likely for the moment after her victory at the last Games, when she was embraced by her competitors, as for her success in the pool.

This ad imagines Schoenmaker returning to defend her title in Paris – and hugging her rivals once again, this time before the race. Viewers across the world (and even beyond) are inspired to embrace pals and strangers in kind.

It’s lovely stuff – but the ‘future’ setting rather piles the pressure on Schoenmaker to (a) make the final again and (b) hug everyone. Good luck, Tatjana!