Beef is back on the menu and a natural, versatile choice With post BSE beef sales well on the road to recovery, the MLC is aiming to grow the beef market further so that it becomes a popular choice throughout the week. Optimism for a full recovery from BSE is apparent throughout the industry and the latest MLC campaign seeks to improve sales even further. With inspiring and simple meal solutions such as Quick Tikka, Salsa Steak, Creamy Garlic Steak and Cheats Mediterranean Mince at the heart of the latest beef and lamb campaign, beef looks set to be in demand. As prime assured beef has never been better in quality ­ low in fat and tender ­ it is an option of convenience, with little cooking required and a flavour which is versatile enough to be used in a wide range of dishes. Sales of beef and veal in '000 tonnes since the 1995 BSE outbreak 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 901 739 852 886 917 Source: MLC {{MLC }}