Yogurt giant Müller is in talks with biscuit maker McVitie’s after pulling the plug on its manufacturing deal with Kellogg. Müller Corner variants featuring popular cereals Rice Crispies,
Coco Pops and Frosties will disappear from chillers at the end of this month as a result.
However, the end of the three-year tie-up could leave Müller without a suitable replacement for some time as its discussions with McVitie’s have yet to be completed. A source said: “The talks are still taking place, but both sides are confident a deal can be struck.” Such a partnership could give Müller access to a portfolio which includes a number of high profile lines, including McV a:m, Jaffa Cakes and Hob Nobs. In a statement, Müller said it was breaking from Kellogg because newer child-targeted products in its portfolio were “seeing higher returns”.
Meanwhile, Müller has been forced to recall a faulty batch of Müllerice pots after consumers complained that the contents caused a burning sensation in the mouth. A spokeswoman said the cause was a rare reaction between two ingredients in a batch of the Apple Müllerice Creamy Dairy Rice variant. She insisted that there was no serious health risk.