NAW petfood range

Source: NAW

NAW stands for ‘no animal wasted’

Natural dog treat brand NAW has launched a 10-strong range into Sainsbury’s.

The startup, whose name stands for ‘no animal wasted’, repurposes animal offcuts that would otherwise be thrown away into dog treats. It relies on air-drying only to minimise processing and maintain nutrients.

NAW also works with veterinary experts to identify the specific natural nutritional benefits of each product, which it highlights on its packs.

The 10-SKU Sainsbury’s range (rsps: £4.25-£8.50) spans five animal proteins. It includes tails, tripe and trachea from NAW’s signature Buffalo offering, alongside beef twists, lamb ears and chicken feet. NAW has also introduced fish cubes as part of the launch. They have rolled into 309 stores nationwide.

“Dog owners are more health-conscious than ever before – high-quality, unprocessed natural food is as important for them as it is for their pets,” said NAW CEO Simon Brown.

“We saw a gap for a value-led and relatable natural treat brand particularly in the grocery space, and the Sainsbury’s launch is confirmation we were right.”

Sainsbury’s senior buyer Nicole Tipping said NAW was “an eye-catching brand with a great ethos behind it”.

“In petfood, we’re always looking to add a point of difference versus others in the market, and to offer a high-quality product range that we know customers will love to buy for their pets.”