Sir; I was interested to read the letter from the anonymous account manager in which he ridiculed the symbol group sector ( The Multiples Deliver’, The Grocer, Letters, May 13). If he (or she) possessed even a basic working knowledge of this sector or occasionally read the trade press, they would know that the Nisa-Today’s Group has a very strong reputation for NOT “whingeing” or “bleating” in the way described. There have been many occasions where we have publicly distanced ourselves from competing groups for that very reason, choosing to pursue more positive routes of cooperation and disciplined product distribution. If conference locations such as Barcelona and Madrid are viewed as “exotic”, this person should give up that two week holiday in Skegness and try something more adventurous. Horizons obviously need broadening. We have always accepted that the retail multiples do deliver what they promise, which is why we have emulated a lot of what they do in order that we secure the necessary level of supplier investment for our members. One day, however, those same retail multiples whom this person seems to have such admiration for, will require even lower costs and yet another account manager will be history. Rodney Hunt md the Today’s Group Nisa-Today’s (Holdings) {{LETTERS }}