AGE PROFILE of cold beef consumers












Info: Usage overview of cold beef. Year ending Aug 2007. Total consumption; pre-prepared beef including sliced and packaged

In the last year there were 184 million cold beef occasions

Cold beef represents 11% of total beef cuts and 4% of total cold meat consumption

Adults 45+ account for 57% of cold beef consumption

36% of cold beef is eaten at lunchtime in the home

Cold beef is a great lunchbox favourite

Retail sales of cold beef last year stood at £72.7m last August, with volumes at 6,900 tonnes. A slight rise in price over the year was below the rate of inflation and did not depress sales. Existing users also bought more and more often - more than five times a year on average. Older males account for the lion's share but children ate 8% more and now account for 10% in the age profile chart.

Eating at home at lunchtime is the most important occasion, partly due to its appeal among older adults who are more likely to be at home for lunch compared with younger adults. Also, cold beef fits the lunchtime requirement of being easy to prepare. Particularly popular among men, one third of cold beef is eaten from the lunchbox.

Cold beef is also chosen because it is practical - because it is quick to cook, a traditional favourite, and "needed using up". Enjoyment is also important - motivating 26% of consumption overall and 40% in lunchboxes. Consumption peaks at the beginning of the week and then declines through the course of the week, but prepackaged cold beef is popular as a light meal on Sundays.

Lauratu Osu
