Safeway is to step up its "less is more" approach to ranging as it enters the second stage of its rebirth strategy. The multiple wants ranging and merchandising to "come to the fore" in support of the work it is now doing on new store formats. And those attending Safeway's annual suppliers' conference in London this week heard how it successfully took out "lots" of SKUs in its first new format supermarket, which opened just before Christmas in Lewes. That process of line reduction will accelerate. Trading director Jack Sinclair said: "We are making the supermarkets a much more service-orientated and fresh foods business." Suppliers were told this focus on fresh foods meant other categories, particularly standard ambient grocery and frozen food, would feel the squeeze. Safeway's plan to do more work on the block merchandising of grocery products also means there will be pressure to reduce the number of lines stocked. Sinclair said: "We want to tidy up and restrict some categories and open up those categories ­ particularly in fresh ­ that can make a significant point of difference. But he stressed: "It's not about fresh versus ambient. It's much more about the types of product and how they can link with fresh." In non food, this meant Safeway would focus on areas such as cookware. Sinclair also told suppliers the multiple would continue to focus on its high:low programme of regional promotions and leaflets. He added: "We have got a skill base that will help us change what we do in different catchments and different stores when the different formats are up and running." {{NEWS }}
