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The campaign’s hero ad features a dancing prison warden

Tango is to go toe to toe with Fanta by launching a new “multimillion-pound” campaign to support its flagship orange flavour.

The ‘Outrageously Orange’ push comprises a TV ad, social media campaign, sampling and OOH advertising, kicking off this month and running until August 2024.

It would ensure Tango Orange was “front of mind over the summer months”, UK manufacturer Britvic said.

Its hero spot – entitled ‘Warden’ – is set in a prison and depicts an inmate having a smuggled can of Tango Orange confiscated by the warden.

The warden tastes the drink and – in a nod to Tango ads of the 1990s and 2000s – is compelled to break into dance, much to the delight of the onlooking inmates.

“Our Outrageously Orange campaign represents an opportunity for retailers to maximise their fruit-flavoured carbonate sales with a well-known and trusted brand like Tango,” said Britvic retail commercial director Ben Parker.

The campaign is the second to come out of Tango’s new ‘dangerously potent flavour’ brand platform. The platform kicked off last year with ‘Bust’ – an ad in which police arrest a group of cooks making Tango Dark Berry in an illegal laboratory.

The lab boss arrested in the Bust film also appears as a prisoner in the new ad, screaming the warden is “completely Tango’d”.

The push comes hot on the heels of a pack refresh and zero-sugar reformulation for Fanta Orange, Tango’s main orange-flavoured carbonate rival.

To help launch the revamped Fanta Orange Zero, Fanta recruited TV and radio personality Jamie Laing as its ‘chief flavour officer’.

Laing was enlisted for an in-store activation that saw him attempt to sway indecisive shoppers to chose Fanta Orange Zero.