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Blending the best of reach and retail, out of home is now widely used by FMCG brands to support multiple touchpoints along the path to purchase.

In this must-read report from Clear Channel UK, they explore how both established names and challengers are using out of home to boost visibility and bridge the gap between brand-building and performance.

From harnessing its unmatched reach to leveraging the latest technology for enhanced targeting, Clear Channel have hand selected nine brands who are all using out of home in different ways to drive growth. Click through to get their latest report on why out of home has become the go-to channel for FMCG.

In this report you’ll discover:

  • The key macro and out of home trends facing the FMCG category.
  • Nine FMCG brands driving growth with out of home and why.
  • How to harness digital out of home for greater flexibility and targeting.

Complete the form below to download the free report now.