Chloe Boston brewdog

Name: Chloe Boston

Age: 26

Job title: Social media manager

Company & location: BrewDog, London

Education: Film and moving image production at Norwich University of the Arts

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A baker in France – it specifically had to be France. (Had an amazing sweet treat once and it briefly changed the trajectory of my life.)

Why did you decide to go for a career in food & drink? Short answer: I love beer.

Long answer: food and drink has always been at the heart of what I love, and I guess I always wanted to end up in the industry somewhere. Then, luckily for me, social media also became the world, and a job that is the perfect combination of my two passions was born.

Explain your job to us in a sentence (or two): Post about beer. Drink beer. Repeat. Mostly in that order.

”Keep learning from the best around and, of course, keep on building a list of delicious beers tried”

What does a typical day look like for you? Truly depends what day you catch me on. One day I could at home, community managing and making silly memes, the next I’ll be in an ice cream van called Mr Sippy, handing out samples of our new Cold Beer lager to parched Londoners. How’s that for range?

Tell us how you went about applying for your job: Back in 2018, I worked in BrewDog Norwich while at university, and quickly became hooked on BrewDog life. Then fast-forward four years, and I’m refreshing their LinkedIn and jobs page daily, waiting for a socials-based role to come up.

Applied (very nervously) via the BrewDog website. Had an initial chat, was asked to present to the team, then a final chat before being offered the role. Celebrated appropriately by running to the shop across the road and buying a mixed pack of the stuff. 

Brewdog cans

What’s the best part about working for a food & drink company? Does it sound really cliché if I say the people? It’s too late now, I’m going to say the people.

Both everyone I work with, and everyone I’ve met in this industry wants nothing more than for it to grow, and I’m incredibly grateful to watch it unfold before my very eyes.

(And the beer is also the best part. Obviously the beer is also the best part.)

And what’s the biggest misconception people have about working in food & drink? That it’s simple. And that I have 24/7 access to pints.

What advice would you give to other young people looking to get into the food & drink industry? Absorb everything in the industry you want to work in. Try the newest products on the shelves, read those long LinkedIn posts, do everything you can to stay on top of the happenings in the industry.

What’s your ultimate career dream? In the least X Factor contestant-sounding way, keep on the journey. Keep learning from the best around and, of course, keep on building a list of delicious beers tried.

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