Name: Anna Dominey
Job title: UK general manager
Company: Remedy Drinks
What was your first job? Waitressing in a pub.
What’s been your worst job interview? The one where they asked me if a Jaffa Cake was a biscuit or a cake! I’m proud of the team culture we have at Remedy, built on transparency and trust, with no obtuse interview questions.
What was the first music single you bought? East 17 – Steam. I bought it from an older kid in the playground with my pocket money and thought I was so cool.
How do you describe your job to your friends? Shaking fizzy drinks up for good! Our founders, Sarah and Emmet, created Remedy because they couldn’t find any truly tasty and healthy fizzy drinks. Everything seemed to be full of sugar or artificial sweeteners. They knew that healthy could also be tasty and easy and so Remedy was born.
What is the most rewarding part of your job? First and foremost, it’s feedback from our incredibly loyal consumers about how much they love our drinks – it’s always a joy to open those emails.
Also, seeing Remedy launch in new retailers. Launching in Starbucks was a career highlight, taking kombucha mainstream and providing healthy and tasty fizzy drinks for all.
What is the least rewarding part? There are lots of aspects that I could describe as frustrating or challenging, but I don’t feel there are any elements that are not rewarding. I feel very lucky to lead a great team and work for a fantastic brand.
What is your motto in life? “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better” – Maya Angelou.
If you were allowed one dream perk, what would it be? Free manicures ahead of can-in-hand photoshoots!
Do you have any phobias? Full-fat fizzy drinks and hidden sugars! One 330ml can of a leading brand has 35g of sugar, more than the NHS daily recommendation for adults.
If you could change one thing in grocery, what would it be? More space for healthy brands on shelf. In consumer research, we found 73% of consumers are looking to reduce or cut sugar or artificial sweeteners from their diets.
Challenger brands, like Remedy, are often up against the budgets of the big multinationals when trying to get share of voice and awareness. We need to help consumers, both in-store and online, to know there are healthy tasty options out there.
What luxury would you have on a desert island? My Kindle – being marooned on a desert island with plenty of time to read on the beach sounds idyllic.
What animal most reflects your personality? I found this hard to answer, so deferred to an online quiz, which has reliably informed me I’m a Siberian Husky. Apparently because I am full of energy and spunk, love being active and love the cold…
What’s your favourite film and why? I’m more of a TV box set kind of person – some of my favourites include The West Wing, Breaking Bad and The Sopranos (forever the best ending of any TV series). I am currently hooked on Ozark.
What has been the most embarrassing moment in your life? I once fell asleep on a flight and woke up snuggling the person next to me, who I didn’t know! He was very gracious but I couldn’t get off that plane fast enough.
Which celebrity would you most like to work with and why? Taylor Swift. Anyone who knows me knows that since her very first album I have been a diehard Swiftie.
What would your death row meal be? Lots of bread, cheese, chocolate and Remedy Wild Berry.
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